Nepal Flood Relief Update and Hurricane Harvey Announcement

Julie Crittenden, Mission Centre Financial Officer, shares the following announcement:

Nepal Flood Relief Update and Hurricane Harvey Announcement

The World Church advise that the initial $15,000 (US) goal for the flood relief efforts in Nepal has been exceeded. World Church will continue to monitor the needs in Nepal and aid will be provided as necessary.    

Hurricane Harvey, which hit the United States over the weekend 26 – 27 August, continues to cause devastating conditions. The church is committed to providing relief for members in Houston and surrounding areas. An initial goal of $25,000 (US) has been identified and will be reassessed as specific needs are made known. 

Coastal Bend USA Mission Centre President Cheryl Saur said at least five Community of Christ families are affected. The Pasadena congregation likely will be hardest hit, Saur said. Most members’ homes have taken on water, but everyone is safe in shelters. One family from the Bay Area congregation was evacuated. Efforts to contact members continue.

If you wish to support the relief efforts in Texas and surrounding areas, you can give now through your offering envelope or direct to the Mission Centre Office

What will the response of AUSTRALIA MISSION CENTRE be?

For the entire month of September all giving to Abolish Poverty, End Suffering over and above the usual donations received throughout the Australia Mission Centre will be designated for helping the Nepal Flood Relief and Hurricane Harvey Relief appeals as The First Presidency and Presiding Bishopric deem appropriate.

Please be generous and give by either using your offering envelope, credit card online at (please include ‘Disaster Relief’ in the ‘More Information’ section) or by making a direct deposit to: Account name – Community of Christ World Church, BSB – 032 182, Account number – 790627. Please include on the bank reference line ‘APES + Your name’ e.g.  ‘APES V.Generous‘.

If you choose direct deposit, please email when payment is made, advising the date of payment, amount, your name and that the payment is to go to Disaster Relief.

 The first $25,000 (US) received will go to Texas Flood Relief efforts.  Additional funds received will either be used for these relief efforts as needed or will go to Worldwide Mission Tithes.

Please continue to uphold the people in Nepal and in the path of Hurricane Harvey in your prayers.