Invitation: To all past Women's Retreaters and guest ministers.

We are asking for your help to make this last retreat at Kallara a very special time in our lives.

We want you at Kallara- it's not too late to register! We would love to have you join us,

but if you can't make it, we would love photos from past camps you have attended.

We want your testimony, your memorable experience, what made your time at Women's retreat a special time for you ? 

Photos can be either a hard copy  posted  or sent via  messages to my phone. Photos will be used during this camp and also kept for use in an album to be made at a future date  for the history books. 

Thoughts on your experience can be emailed to -


Mobile - 0438020857

Postal address- 15 Elvey drive Kangaroo Flat, 3555

Dianne Kent