Statement regarding On-Line Communion for Community of Christ Australia



Scripture speaks to us regarding the Sacrament of Communion, it says - Our identity as a prophetic people calls us to explore new, even radical, ways of being in community together, while also being “respectful of tradition”. Doctrine and Covenants 161:5, 162:2D

It also tells us - Generously share the invitation, ministries, and sacraments through which people can encounter the Living Christ who heals and reconciles through redemptive relationships in sacred community. Doctrine and Covenants 163:2b 

In response to these words of council and after prayerful deliberations the First Presidency during the 2019 World Conference approved the sharing of the Communion Sacraments in a real time setting, during on-line services. Community of Christ around the world has been practicing this way of sharing communion for the last six months. 

This is a blessing to our church during a time when we are being directed to temporarily close our churches for regular Sunday services as we comply with laws regarding social distancing. On-line communion services are also a blessing for those many members and friends of the church who are isolated by way of geography or life circumstances, as it allows people to connect with each other and share in an opportunity for renewal and be touched by the Holy Spirit when it may be difficult to physically be present in a church or place of worship. 

After seeing over 100 people share together over the last couple of weeks I am uplifted by the comments, level of sharing and affirmation that has been passed on to our team after on-line worship. As the scripture points out, this is a new, even radical way of being in community together.

We ask that in preparation for next week’s service you have a space dedicated to sharing the sacrament. A vessel that has juice or even water is fine as the symbolic representation for communion along with bread or a wafer, is all that is required. The priest/s will offer the blessing and invite you to partake.

This will be the first time we have been able to share in this experience in this way, here in Australia, with the wider church and it will be wonderful to have Apostle Mareva, to share her message and partake with us during our service together. 

If you wish to seek more information on church policy investigate this link below-

May we uphold each other and be prayerful as we prepare ourselves for this blessed time together.


Robert Thompson
National Minister Australia