War Between Hamas and Israel

Statement from the Peace and Justice Team, Community of Christ 

The Peace and Justice Team knows that many church members around the world are deeply troubled by the outbreak of war between Hamas and Israel. Our position on Palestine and Israel was defined in 2016 by the following resolution passed by World Conference: 

World Conference Resolution 1311 Palestine and Israel
Adopted 10 June 2016 

Resolved, That Community of Christ specifically declares its belief in the 
love of God for Muslims and Jews, and we denounce all Islamophobia and anti- 
Semitism; and be it further 

Resolved, That Community of Christ join with other Christian, Jewish, Muslim,
ecumenical, and secular peace movements in the call for peace in Israel and Palestine. We, with other Christians, call for the right of the State of Israel to exist in secure borders; for the cessation of Israeli military occupation and illegal settlements in the West Bank; and for the recognition of the State of Palestine (in accordance with 1947 UN General Assembly Resolution 181/II, 1967 UN Security Council Resolution 242, and 1988 UN General Assembly Resolution 43/177). 

Community of Christ thus seeks a just reconciliation between all parties to the conflict. The following recent statement by Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) is productive in this regard, and the Peace and Justice Team wishes to share it with the wider church. Community of Christ is a member of this ecumenical body based in Washington, D.C., USA. 

Statement by Churches for Middle East Peace 
7 October 2023, Washington, D.C., USA 

CMEP Condemns All Acts of Violence, Calls for Prayer, and 
Implores Global Leaders to Address the Core Issues of the War 
between Hamas and Israel 

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) is deeply grieved by the news coming out of Israel and Gaza today. CMEP condemns all acts of violence against civilians that have occurred in the past twenty-four hours, as fighting has escalated between Hamas and Israel. As of late Saturday (EDT), reports indicated that hundreds have been killed and thousands wounded, both Israelis and Palestinians. CMEP mourns with the victims of the violence and their families. 

The actions of Hamas and the Israeli response in Gaza in no way advance peace, but rather cause loss of life and harm, grief, and devastation, not only to the individuals affected, but also to the legitimate cause of the Palestinian people in seeking an end to the decades-long occupation and the blockade of the Gaza Strip. 

Throughout this year, CMEP and allies have urgently been calling attention to the evolving context, characterized by escalating levels of violence between settlers, soldiers, and Palestinians. The increased nationalism and radicalization within Israeli society have led to more frequent and numerous incidents of hatred, racialized tensions, settler attacks, and incursions onto Muslim and Christian holy sites such as Stella Maris Monastery in Haifa and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. These realities are not justifications but have long been ignored by the international community, including the longstanding frustration and desperation of the Palestinian people who seek an end to the oppression of the occupation, and Israeli desires for lack of fear and for security. It is time for the US and the international community to strengthen efforts to de-escalate the systemic violence that has gone on for decades.