Day of Fasting and Prayer

Dear Community of Christ around the world,

 With deep gratitude and sincere love, the Council of Twelve Apostles send these words to you, inspired by the spirit of Christ that binds us closely together. Every day, we admire the strength of your faith, the sincerity of your dedication, and the intensity of your love in action. In a constantly changing world, your steadfastness and passion for service shine brightly as a reflection of Christ, touching and transforming lives. We wish to express our profound appreciation for your unwavering commitment to the mission of Christ.

 We also wish to convey our support for President Steve Veazey and his family. We invite the church to keep Steve and his loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. Believing in the strength of our community and the power of prayer, we trust that they will find comfort, strength, and serenity through our collective support.

 The Council of Twelve warmly invites the church around the world to unite on October 29, 2023, for a special day of fasting and prayer. We hope that everyone will wholeheartedly engage in this unique day as we collectively seek God's will regarding the discernment of the next prophet-president of the Church.

 We want to emphasize the importance of the discernment process, as outlined by the First Presidency. The bright future of our church hinges on our ability to listen attentively to the Spirit and to act diligently. We encourage you to continue submitting your reflections and names, adhering to the established deadlines.

 Beloved Community of Christ, may the Holy Spirit, the source of unity and determination, consistently guide us and deepen our faith and devotion to Christ. We pray that all of you may be renewed, strengthened, and inspired in this noble mission.


With all our affection and prayers,


On behalf of the Council of Twelve Apostles,

Mareva Arnaud Tchong

President of the Council of Twelve Apostles